The T.R.U.E. Foundation's mentoring program (T.R.U.E. Mentor) focus is to guarantee that every mentoring relationship is consistently impactful to ensure more college freshmen remain in and graduate college. The diverse and creative ideas developed by the active mentors provide the freshman mentees with educational information and extracurricular activities to keep them engaged in college life. The mentoring program focuses on:
Identifying Campus Resources
Making connections between school and work
Building social capital skills
Developing a greater capacity for resilience, communication, and critical thinking
Social Events that promote unity
Food Drives
Campus Clean ups
Fundraising Activities
The purpose of The T.R.U.E. Foundation mentoring Program is to positively introduce and expose its mentees to these important concepts.
The T.R.U.E. Foundation mentoring is currently only offered at Virginia State University but has visions to expand.
If you are interested in bring The T.R.U.E. Foundation Inc. mentoring program (T.R.U.E. Mentor) to your school please contact us at